4th piston blown. wtf.

Its a new cyl. Bored .5. Has an aftermarket crank. Everything else is stock. I don't believe there are any air leaks. I am premixing 32:1. Rings are Also new. I'm at a loss with this thing.
Well, the obvious reason would be because in the 1st,2nd,3rd top-end repair you did not repair what caused it in the first place, which could have been an airleak
get a leakdown tester, use it

possible leak points

head gasket, base gasket, reed gasket, crank seal, crank cases, clutch side crank seal, as you can see plenty of places

the leakdown tester is going to be the only way to know for sure
The 100% good way to check is buying an airleak tester.

If you do not have one, you can try soapy water to see if any bubbles are made, or spray starting fluid all over and see if the idle gets high.

^^the only way to check is buying or making a leakdown tester!

and again soapy water wont do anything untill you are using a leaktester, except suck soapy water in your motor thru the leaks. the gheto way to do it 'which doesnt work' is to spray carb cleaner around the known leaking spots and see if the idle flys up. this only works for massive airleaks and by that time you probably would have already popped it
that is a crappy way to test it. the only real way to test for leaks is a leak down test. holeshotman sells em and they are cheap. buy one!
Yeah I haven't bought one from him but from what I hear around here he's reliable and he does a good job. When it comes time for me to get one I'm going to be getting it from him. I back up his business all the way. =]
im guessing you already tore it apart if not dont because other wise you wont know if a air leak killed it but buy a leakdown tester or make one making one would be the cheaper route but buying one from holeshot would be eaiser
what mods do you have??? i wanna know pipe filter, air box lid or no lid, head work porting strker reeds carb, what jets your running how you broke it in and how you ride

also what gaskets you use, what brand piston and rings, who bored or honed the cyl each time it was rebuilt...
what did the piston look like all of these times? what about it failed? I've read of another person using an unlit propane torch along the seams. A leak down tester can be made with a (1 5/8?) pvc cap a with a shrader valve installed in it (located at a hardware or plumbing shops)a tin can with a piece of rubber out of an old inner tube and a low psi tire gauge. total cost around $10 or less = budget leak down tester!.