2 problems, no neutral, and no idle

Ok I bought blaster from guy thats had it outside for a while in 80 degree + weather. It starts up fine but when i take my finger off the throttle engine dies out. When I ride it its throttle is very very responsive a minor flick of the thumb and the thing is like at full RPM's, but soon as i let go of the throttle it dies out, no idle. 2nd problem is I cant seem to put it in neutral. when its off, i hold the clutch and press down on the shifter till im in 1st then when i go to press down the shifter agin it wont go down? I try to put in neutral so I can easily move it. I ordered a leak down tester, so it should be here by tuesday. I already removed the carb and cleaned the hell out of it. reassembled it. Turned the idle air screw 2 turns. added new gas/iol mixture 32:1 Klotz. The exhaust gasket i believe is missing but i ordered that. dark oil seems to be leaking from exhasut port. Air CLeaner looks a bit old as well. I read somewhere if you have a leak somewhere it could make the engine die out.
Bare with me Im still learning its my first quad.(2006 Blaster)
as far as neutral goes. it is between first and second. push all the way down to first gear, then pull slightly up, about half the distance as you would during a normal shift. you should find neutral, there.
Ok a little research says something about adjusting that tors screw under the seat on top of the carb? Looks kind of like a bicycle brake line with a screw going through it? DO I need to screw it in all the way or unscrew it a few turns?

the big screw under the rubber flap, kinda between/under the seat and fuel tank, thats the ilde adjust, it opens the slide more to produce more rpms.
screw it in "clockwise" to increase rpms.

but if it once idled at the current setting, chances are the carb needs cleaned properly, especially the pilot screw, and the airscrew adjusted.....



then re-adjust the idle screw for desired idle

clean and re-oil the air filter too.
Ok that screw is screwed in all the way tight(your talking about the big screw cap on top of the carb or the small black line going into the top which looks to be the throttle cable?)...Could that be the problem? It has not idled yet. WHen I start it, I have to hold the throttle slightly for it to catch, it appears the rpm's are reving very high especially when i slightly move the throttle.
Are you talking about this big grey screw in the middle or the screw off to the top left?

compliments of our resident ms. paint artist...herdeplol :)

Ah Ha so that is the problem, So I have the dam thing screwed in all the way, I need to unscrew it how much?

in all the way should have it idling to the moon
out lowers the rpms
where is your airscrew ? turns out ?
Make sure the idle screw is actually lifting the carby slide, if it is do the following.

If the slide does not respond the TORS could be faulty.

Idle adjusting.

Start with air screw 1.5 turns out.

Set idle screw so that it has some sort of idle. With TORS it is the big screw under seat on top of unit. With no TORS is is the brass screw midway down carb body.

Warm up motor and then set idle screw for a faster idle, 2000rpm+

Adjust air screw either way to get the fastest idle.

Adjust air screw a little at a time leaving 10 secs or until the motor to responds.

Re adjust idle screw for desired idle .
How can I tell if the idle screw is lifing the slide? When I turn the idle screw clockwise it tightens and counterclockwise opens right? if I start with it fully closed how many turns out should I go? Its hard to do that because as soon as I let off the gas the thing dies on me, so don't have a chance to adjust while its on. SO step by step would be:
1.turn on switch
2. turn air screw 1.5 turns out
3.hold down clutch kick start( i have to give it throttle or else it will die out)
4.while its idling adjust idle screw till it idles higher around 2000 rpms
5.adjust air scew as well
How can I tell if the idle screw is lifing the slide?

Take the air induction hose off the carby and look to see if the slide responds to the idle screw adjustment.

By the sound of things the slide may not be responding to the screw if you have to give it throttle to start.