is ther something wrong with my cr it has 150 psi,and its not the gauge i used 2 different ones both at 148 psi warm, is it supposed to be that low or high,i would never think so.
Wait a minute ..... 15-25 hours on a two stroke rebuild? In that case applies to blasters? Now im not doubting anyones info, i dont have a whole lot of experience with dirt bikes or two strokes in general. But if i have to rebuild after 10-50 hours then i need to sell mine and never own one....!!! I have about guessing 400 hours on my blasty top end rebuild.....
Right! Big diff on low comp, low performance 2strokes like blasters... they can go forever.You only have to rebuild them that much on high performance 2 strokes
You only have to rebuild them that much on high performance 2 strokes
so am i still good at 148 psi
Its really not a big deal, you should be checking your bore every 30-35 hours anyways and on these modern 2strokes if you keep the rings fresh you can change the rings a few times before you need a new piston and even if you do as long as the platings good you don't need it bored.after reading the thread and seeing the short period of time between rebuilds holy crap.
is that the same thing as having a ported blaster. i kind of doubt its the same with a blaster but i do have a port now and dont want to be rebuilding as much as that
it takes me all of 30 minutes to rebuild my bike lol sooo easy,im gunna rebuild it i guess maybe in the spring