150 psi


New Member
Dec 10, 2008
East Stroudsburg ,PA
is ther something wrong with my cr it has 150 psi,and its not the gauge i used 2 different ones both at 148 psi warm, is it supposed to be that low or high,i would never think so.
Ya thats pritty high hrs on a 2stroke liquid. They recomend every like 15hrs new rings and every 28 or 30 can't remember new piston and rings. The resoning for this is that the ports are so big and radical that the rings get weak from "catching" the edge of the ports.. Dump a couple of onces of oil in then ck your compression again if it is higher it's time for rings again.
ya thats pretty good my 125 was at 135 after hone and new set of rings.. same with my LT current thats pretty good for your bike on that many hours
Wait a minute ..... 15-25 hours on a two stroke rebuild? In that case applies to blasters? Now im not doubting anyones info, i dont have a whole lot of experience with dirt bikes or two strokes in general. But if i have to rebuild after 10-50 hours then i need to sell mine and never own one....!!! I have about guessing 400 hours on my blasty top end rebuild.....
Wait a minute ..... 15-25 hours on a two stroke rebuild? In that case applies to blasters? Now im not doubting anyones info, i dont have a whole lot of experience with dirt bikes or two strokes in general. But if i have to rebuild after 10-50 hours then i need to sell mine and never own one....!!! I have about guessing 400 hours on my blasty top end rebuild.....

You only have to rebuild them that much on high performance 2 strokes
You only have to rebuild them that much on high performance 2 strokes

Correct I'm refuring to Rm's, Yz's and Cr's. Blasters can run just about for ever on original bore. On the newer Rm's they want you to replace or resleeve the cylinder at some were over 100 hrs can't remember exactly. Like I said the ports are so massive on high performance 2stroke bikes. They were built mainly for motorcross takes quite a few race's to get that many hrs.
after reading the thread and seeing the short period of time between rebuilds holy crap.
is that the same thing as having a ported blaster. i kind of doubt its the same with a blaster but i do have a port now and dont want to be rebuilding as much as that
na dude i rode my bike hard and i mean hard all summer,and it didnt "blow up" essentially,i love having a dirtbike over a quad,besides the topend every 6 monthes or so and fork seals 1ce a yr,its easy to maintain compared to a quad in my oppinion.
after reading the thread and seeing the short period of time between rebuilds holy crap.
is that the same thing as having a ported blaster. i kind of doubt its the same with a blaster but i do have a port now and dont want to be rebuilding as much as that
Its really not a big deal, you should be checking your bore every 30-35 hours anyways and on these modern 2strokes if you keep the rings fresh you can change the rings a few times before you need a new piston and even if you do as long as the platings good you don't need it bored.

A ported blaster I would check every 30 or so hours see how it looks and replace rings if you need to... its still going to be a blaster, you just need to keep up on it a little more.
it takes me all of 30 minutes to rebuild my bike lol sooo easy,im gunna rebuild it i guess maybe in the spring

Its still ridiculous how they don't last very long. Even if its easy it can get expensive real fast, especially if u ride as much as me.
you dont have to change them that offen.. they sat 15-20 hours for them since most are raced.. and to keep the power where it should be theyt say rings thaty offen BUT if your not racing you dont have to.. trust me.. both my 125s had well over 75 hours on them, my cr250 had around 50 on it and my big ass still had to jump hard on the kicker to kick it over....