05 blaster, is graying plugs....

Ill have to do it tomorrow or in a few days
In the meantime you can do some home work, look for a blaster manual, understand the carb a little more and what the jets are and what jets play what roll in what throttle position.. It may be a little confusing at first but it will all start to make sense.. If you get confused just ask..
I could possibly help you out if you wanted to come up my way some weekend like maybe even next weekend, i can bring tools an jets, i got a place we ride with a1/4 mile or more flat straight away perfect for jetting, i have good collection of jets from stock to 340
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I would but problem is, i dont have a truck.. youd have to come here lol, there is a place here but its on the road.. i just put a 270 main it there but its still graying plugs.. still lean.. not sure what jet i need lol
Whats the chances of this thing maybe burning tranny oil, like sucking it out of the tranny into the crankcase. A 270 is a pretty decent sized main for the mods you have an to still be that lean
Crank play is determined by bearings not seals, if they are the original seals they more than likely could be the problem.
Did you plug that inlet where the oil injection was? If your plugs are still grey than your still lean.. The 270 should be close but maybe not exact.. It being grey like you say is telling us you have an air leak somewhere, crank seals, intake boot around carb, intake boot to reeds, reeds to cylinder, base gasket, air filter not on or loose, carb to intake plenum loose, etc etc.. There are quite a few places that can suck in xtra air that's un accounted for.. Meaning to much air (from un known leaks) not accounted for means engine runs lean.. Sure you could slap in a 310 and then you would get a good plug read thinking all is good, but its not.. If you keep going up in jets you will just be masking an air leak.. I suggest get a leak down tester or build one. Clean the carb good. Get a cap for carb where oil injection used to be.

There is a member on here who can sell you a leak tester for about the same price it would cost you to build one. Saving you time and $ from running around gathering parts..
Yea i plugged it up, and im ordering new crank seals

Nice. Make sure you do some leak tests. Do one before the new seals to confirm there leaking and certainly one after to make sure its holding air as well as everywhere else.. There is a vid somewhere on here showing how to do one on a blaster..