03 blaster 200 ratteling?


New Member
Aug 2, 2010
hi im new ive been riding my blaster with this ratteling in the motor for around a year. i thought it was the rings so i put in new rings and piston. but thats not the problem. it doesent have alot of compression and runs like crap. my dad is a mechanic and he dosent know whats wrong. any help:-/
when you put new rings in did you bore it to the next size???and did you put the correct size piston in and is the piston put in the correct way??
yes it is all correct. me and my dad put it together and he has rebuilt over 10 bikes. i think it might be something in the bottom end
well i think i figured it out. about a month or 2 ago i got stuck in mud about 3 feet by accident. i think there is a rock or something in the pipe.