I just got an 01 blaster. It started when I looked at it but didn't run for long because I live in northern Wisconsin and it was 2 degrees with like 30 mph winds. So I just figured it didn't like the cold. But when I got it home I brought it into my garage and put a heater on it and gave it a couple kicks. Nothing happened. After about 50 kicks it started for about 5 seconds and shut off. A couple more kicks and I got it for about 5 seconds again. I took the carb apart and cleaned it. Put fresh gas in it and also added some seafoam. Still nothing. So today I bought a new spark plug, some starting fluid, and some oil for the wet clutch. The guy I got it from said he used chainsaw gas in it. Could that be the problem? I've looked everywhere and have seen multiple things that it could be. Also I went to pop start it but when I shifted it into gear and got to pushing, the clutch didn't disengage the gears. The cable is tight and its moving the arm. I'd really hate to take apart the engine but it seems to be my last hope. Checking the reeds is my next move. Please help! My foot hurts from kicking so much!