01' Blaster Leaking


Jan 20, 2013
S. Jersey
My 01' Blaster is slowwwwly leaking oil between the crankcase cover and the oil pump cover. Any ideas why or how this should be fixed? According to the manual there isn't a gasket between the two so I'm stumped. The oil pump cover is oddly shaped on the one corner near the leak and I'm wondering if it's cracked or made that way. I'll post a pic shortly
So I tried to add a few pictures that shows the spot I'm referring to...


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Leak test that baby before you ride again if the leak is in the crancase halves.

That's where I originally thought it was coming from, so I ordered the crankcase cover gasket. It turns out the leak is where I noted in the pics.

ALSO, how do I check the oil level???? What seems to be the "sight window" is black and no see thru.
That looks like a crack.

If the window is black, drain the oil oil and refill with 650ml, no more, no less of 10w30 4 stroke engine oil no friction modifiers.
mine was leaking outta there once before and i found out my oil pump stopped working ao i pulled it out and did the block off never had the problem again
I planned on draining and filling with new just to be certain it's good after I fix the leak...
What block off kit do you guys recommend or is there another way?