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  • lol im sure u guys are used to that....we dont even know if its going to snow but to make sure we're having a 2 hour delay. We get out of school for half an inch of snow down here.
    haha, thants funny, i got my bearings today!!!!!:) i also got pounded by snow today, still snowin, they are cllin for 14 inches intop of the 4 inches we have so like 18 inches of snow for me!!!!!! fun, school got called off early today, we went till one then left cause it was snowing too hard.
    TTR's are slow as f*ck, lol. 80's and 85's 2-strokes go from like 800-1500..why not just find one in the 800-1000 doller range?
    man, i got to school today and ran to my locker and sat for 15 min and got it fdone before 1st hr!!!!!!, good thing i have a small amount of time in the mornin.
    yeah dude i wish, i dont have the money right now but im thinking about selling the 80. Where does AJ live? lol he's looking for an 80.
    i have a brother, but me and him are like completely oposite, also guess what!!!!!, i got my spelling done!!!!!!!, thank god.
    Yeah dude, I wish you were closer. Well, I was looking at some deals on craigslist. Here is a few good ones.

    1998 Blaster (ATV)

    YAMAHA BLASTER (steal)
    I live in North Carolina...at the border of North and South Carolina. I don't know how much I want..probably like 700 or something. Needs some work.
    Yo. You wanna get me some pics of those nerfs. I saw them in your album but i need some better shots of em.
    Thanks for the rep bro...love that saying about smoking "there are better ways to die" ! AWESOME!!
    is it just me or is dating kinda overrated any more, i like random encounters more:)
    my locker is small and messy, i get yelled at all the time to clean my locker and i just slam my door shut and say done!!!!, haha, i hope i don't get detention for not doing this, that was the threat from the principle last time.
    lucky, this crap i forgot is normall due after one week but our teacher decided to make it due in 2 days, it is a huge paper that takes like 2 hrs to do and i'm never gona finish now:(
    man!!!!!!!!!!!1 i forgot my friggin spelling at school and i'm gonna get a late on it, and i need to bring my grade up in that class, crap, this sucks, of course my friend who was at the school stil left his phone home so he couldn't get it for me
    nah, i have to have 18's when i race next year, plus now i'm runnin 20 inch kenda's up front so i'm kinda mx commited, i use 22 inchers when it gets nasty
    thanx man, i love them things, just the 18 inch tires suck everywhere exept a track.
    cool man, i am kinda jealouse, but just wait till in get mine all shee axeled up and put a +4 timig mod on it, i will post some sick pics and vids once my cell phone micros sd card gets here from ebay.
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