yamha blaster 04 hood?


New Member
Sep 22, 2008
Well i seen blasterboy has a 04 hood just wondering what is involved in doing this? is it just a case of unbolt one and bolt the other on?..what would i have to buy if i just wanted to change the front to 04..like blasterboys, is it just the hood piece an light?..thanks anyone know wher i can purchase this aswell, just the hood if i cant find light :D
maier makes a replacement hood, and you can get it just about anywhere.

and the headlight from any yamaha dealer is about $25, i think, cuz i had to replace mine when i hit a tree =]

and the only thing you have to do is drill 2 holes in the frame and put a nut on the other side for the screw to go through

although im not sure if the headlight will bolt up

ah right, as i rang up a local guy and he told me it would fit, but i wanted to mak sure, and im in the u.k btw, so its hard to get parts atm, if the light doesnt fit i just need the hood and i will mesh it, i thought it was a straight bolt on or am i wrong?
it is for all the mounts, except for the lower front bumper mount.

but thats a 6mm hole, and you can thread it or just put a nut on the other side.

try rocky mountain atv, they might deliver to uk idk

the bolt i circled in the picture is the only one that isnt "direct fit"
ok mate, sorry for all the questions, i just dont want to buy it and end up levain it cos it wont fit, when you say where the bolts fit? on my hood atm, there is 3 bolts holdin it, 1 on each side and one on the front, is that the same with the 04 hood, the side ones will be same but the front will be different? because 2 is enough i think/ hope u understood :)
the top ones ARE the same but the bottom ones are different. but you need all four because there are two at the top and two at the bottom, so if you dont use the bottom ones the hood will lift up and break when u go fast.

you need to drill out the two holes and use some self-tapping screws for the bottom ones
oh right, theres 2 on this, cos on the older one there is only three, got any close ups of all he bolts? :D