1992 yamaha blaster bought not running for $300.00
* cleaned carb
* conpression test - low
* did new top end ,cylinder good
* wouldnt fire
* spark test - weak spark
* new cdi
* still weak spark
* new stator
* good spark
* fired up - idles - go to rev it up, bogs. Wont rev.
* brought the cArb to work and put in it ultrasonic carb cleaner for 2.5 hours
* put carb back on, still does the same.
* adjusted the timing ( turnsd stator as much to the right as i could)
* fired up, stilm does the same thing
* disasembled carb and checked eerything
* still does the same
* adjusted mixture screw - still does the same
What do i need to do or any suggestions ?
* cleaned carb
* conpression test - low
* did new top end ,cylinder good
* wouldnt fire
* spark test - weak spark
* new cdi
* still weak spark
* new stator
* good spark
* fired up - idles - go to rev it up, bogs. Wont rev.
* brought the cArb to work and put in it ultrasonic carb cleaner for 2.5 hours
* put carb back on, still does the same.
* adjusted the timing ( turnsd stator as much to the right as i could)
* fired up, stilm does the same thing
* disasembled carb and checked eerything
* still does the same
* adjusted mixture screw - still does the same
What do i need to do or any suggestions ?