Yamaha Blaster Engine Squeak


Aug 6, 2016
Hello I'm new to the forum so I hope I posed this in the right spot.

So I just bought a Yamaha blaster about 2 months ago. It's a 1997 and the previous owner did a top and bottom end before I bought it. It also had the oil injection blocked off. The owner had three hours on it since rebuilt and I have put another 5 hours on it and then something went wrong.

So, not sure if this affects anything but When I first bought it I mixed 40-1 amsoil dominator and it ran fine. Then i tried 32-1 same oil and it had barely any bottom end power and it would idle. Then today I refilled the tank with 40-1 same oil and it was running great until this happened.

My dad was riding the blaster and said it wasn't running right anymore. It would constantly stall out and when you tried turning it on it would rev up a lot then die if you didn't give it throttle.

I got it back to the garage and tried kicking it a few times. It makes a squeaking sound it didn't use to make before. When I try kicking it slowly i can hear air leaking from somewhere around the engine. I also noticed the carburetor had a little gas that spilled out and thought maybe it needs to be rebuilt?

Besides that I have no idea what to even check.

Any ideas what it could possibly be?

I would really appreciate if you guys could help me out with this.

Any questions you guys have or pictures/video you would like please let me know.

Thank you!!!!

Also, I'm not a mechanic by any stretch so please let me know how to check it if it's not easily accessible.
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I'm planning on building a leak down tester or purchasing if anyone sells them for a reasonable price. I tried tightening all clamps and adjusting the idle but that's not the problem. It still revs up when I turn it on. Any ideas?

Awk08 is the man to buy from.

Or build your own like I did.
Awk08 is the man to buy from.

Or build your own like I did.

Thanks mark blaster.

So I checked it out and it seems there were leaks in the motor gaskets. I'm guessing the previous owner was too cheap to buy new gaskets when he did the new top and bottom end. Seems odd. Anyways, I just ordered a set and was wondering if there are any tutorials/instructions to help me install these. I haven't found any good ones explaining a full disassembly so far.

Thank you!
Good you found it out. I would also like to find tutorials/instructions on doing it. I cannot remember if Ken when other it in his engine rebuild videos. I will be opening my engine at some stage also.

Maybe have a look here. is more then 1 video.
Good you found it out. I would also like to find tutorials/instructions on doing it. I cannot remember if Ken when other it in his engine rebuild videos. I will be opening my engine at some stage also.

Maybe have a look here. is more then 1 video.

Thanks! I watched some of the videos and they seem pretty decent. Hopefully my blaster will be up and running by next week :)
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