
May 12, 2010
Today guys i was ridng my blaster in my backyard and there is a little jump so my smart self decided to try to ride a wheelie over it. i was doing good and once i got to the top of the jump my bands kicked in :o and my blaster shot backwards and i jumped off of it but the fenders still hit me now i have a huge bruse on my leg and about 5 scratches going down my arm. Nothing serious. no damage was done to my blaster just a sticker on my handguards is have torn off now and moose racing imprinted on my handguards in now full of dirt.
Today we went out riding and after we get home I get a call from the boy I sold the IT 465 to. He tells me he let a buddy ride it he wrecked and had to be life flighted out. As of 20 mins ago he will probably not make it.
im sorry about that. that is exactly wat happend to my dad wen he sold one of his old dirt bikes the guy he sold it to hit a tree with out a helmet on and the impact killed him
I feel bad about it. We all told our buddy I sold it to not to let anyone inexpierenced ride it. Still no word on the kid. I am truly glad u are ok. Everytime I open one of these threads I hold my breathe hoping it's nothing to bad. We all live on the edge with our toys just remember it takes a small step to go over it.
yep totally true. im not gonna try to ride any wheelies up any hills anymore wen i saw it turning over i said to myself "this is it its gonna crush me im dead" but thankfully i jumped off of it.
that's when your instincts have to kick in and BAIL

remember, a quad can be fixed easily, its a lot harder, sometimes impossible to fix yourself