wow, time to fix her up


Mar 26, 2007
i blew my motor, the bore is worn out too much that the psiton broke the skirt,my rings are pitch black and fried. and tranny oil will go to the other side after 3 kicks, like if i fill it after 3 kicks the window is empty, when i pull the plug the oil comes pouring out even though the window is empty and it makes a loud bang when u kick it so i have a huge night ahead of me
ahhh,the bore is actually .60 i didn't know until now,and i won't be able to get any parts for a while becuz i've run out of money lol
pretty sh*tty ehh,the skirt is probbly broken off.the black stuff on the reed is just some sealant stuff
yeah it happened on my birthday lol,my own quad gives me a sh*tty present, i got some better presents from other people which lightened my bad mood
Dang man that sucks......should have asked for money for your B-day!!! Lol then you might would have got enough to pay for it. Good luck with the rebuild an splitting the cases!!!
yeah lol, well my blaster will sit for a while, then i will fix her up and mae her perfect, and get a polish and some porting
I rebuild it when it wont run anymore need to fix something that aint broke if you know its gonna go soon just give it hell till it does go!!
ahh,yeah, but i get discounts, and if i'm going to a track or racing i don't have to worry about it blowing up on me.and the compression was getting low
lol, i just remembered that you are going to race it...b/c u were askign for suggestions a while back.. and yeah... with stock shocks.. i ALMOST feel bad for you :p hahahha