Will starting problems mean end of love?


New Member
Jul 13, 2008
Hey Blaster-fanatics,

I'm in Holland (sorry for my english) and I bought me one. A 2000 model. Last year in summer had a lot of fun with it, and my son (16 years old) to B-).

On his last trip the sound of the engine went up and he stopped. After starting again, same problem but now occuring faster. I picked him up with my car en drove home. Starting again and same problem after some seconds. Another view tries, chocking with it and he went completely dead.

I thought no fluel so first checked the tubes => all well connected. Took the carburator out, cleaned it, checked it, blew every hole I could find => nothing. Put it back with help of the excellent I:I manual. Checked the spark => was oke, but dry!!! I can hear the piston going up and down the cylinder so that isn't it either. And now ....................... i am lost :"> and my son is asking me when he can ride him again. To be fair: I'll do anything to get up there myself again :-D.

Any ideas or help? Some of you with the same problem perhaps? What did I overlooked?

Thanks in advance.
if the plug is dry its obviously a fuel issue.spray some carb cleaner down the intake and see if it fires up. things to check....when u pull the hose off the carb coming from tank does fuel come out? if not the screen in tank is clogged. if it does proceed...is the float bowl full of fuel? turn fuel on for a second give bowl time to fill up and check to make sure it full. it not the needle is sticking inside the seat and not allowing fuel to enter. if bowl is full then u have trash in your jets. pull main jet eyeball hole make sure not clogged. not sure if stock carb has pilot jet but u need to take it out also and do same procedure. best choice is carb cleaner and spray up in the holes where jets rest. this should fix u up. if not let us know and we will carry on
Thanks Biotch.

My Blaster is in France and I'm in Holland. In Februar I will be over there and will surely have your advice with me. So hold on, I'll be back with good or bad news.

Can you be more specific as to your problem? Your son was riding it and "the sound of the engine went up." Did the noise increase, but not the RPMs?? Or did it just start to idle high (RPM increase)?? Does it run, just it idles high??

If it's idling higher than it should just out of the blue, then it may be an air leak somewhere near the carb. You can find air leaks with your hand, with a lit cigarette (be very careful!!), sometimes just by listening, and also carefully with starter fluid/carb and choke cleaner. Use it sparingly though, it is harsh on seals and the rubber intake boots.

If the noise just increased it could be a leak somewhere in the exhaust. Look where the pipe meets the head, and check the whole thing to see if there are any leaks.

Good luck!