wife loves me...... READ this FOOLS!!


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
well.. the wife is planning a weekend getaway for us.. and guess what it involves??..

ATV's!!!!!! thats right!!! she is planning a trip to black river falls wi, days inn suite, 2 nights, and a weekend full of 233 miles of atv trails AND 2 'parks' with hill climbs, sand pits, mud bogs, jumps and so on!!.. im pretty negitive since its like 3 hours one way, pullin a loaded trailer.. EHH .. but oh well.. well see if it happens!!
hey thats where my boss goes all the time.. him an 15 friends pull a 5th wheeler up there with almost 20 quads an go for a week... hes always talkin about how sh*t faced they get on the trails.. sounds like a lot of fun up there... hope you go an have a good time aric you deserve it... lol
thanks!! it will be fun.. dont know if ill be running 3 or 4 wheels though, wife talkin about buying us a pair of quads with tax returns if she has enough.. im lookin at gettin a lt250r or rough trx 250r.. and she will prob get another polaris or 300ex
nice that place sounds like fun...nice wife to if she is into wheelers like you.. get a lt250R once you go power valve you never go back haha
then you better get one. and these are adjustable pv's if you are a big 4poke fan then this is a 2stroke that comes close to the low end grunt.. i raced my buddy on his craptor 700 GYTR model with a slip on 2bros pipe and from 1 to 3rd gear i had a quad lengths ahead of him then he pulled away and i gave up.. but just wait tell wildcard gets my motor then ill have a surprise for him in april..
then you better get one. and these are adjustable pv's if you are a big 4poke fan then this is a 2stroke that comes close to the low end grunt.. i raced my buddy on his craptor 700 GYTR model with a slip on 2bros pipe and from 1 to 3rd gear i had a quad lengths ahead of him then he pulled away and i gave up.. but just wait tell wildcard gets my motor then ill have a surprise for him in april..

hahaha trx250r still OWNS!! lol.. i raced a non pv lt250r with my 'bad biish' blaster and was side by side with him!! he had reeds, 5 hours on full rebuild, pipe, and 20s. i had 18s 40/40 no lid, boyseen reeds and fmf exhaust.. so id hope pv motor is way faster!!!

price wise a lt250r is cheaper than a compairable condition trx250r soo the lt will prob be what i get... and kennedy is makin some big power out of a lt250 right now.. sooooo ya know where my sh*t will go.... would be nice to have a quad for trails.. even though the 200x will handle its own
the powervalves make all the diff.. to quote brandon from wildcard "the 85-86 was suzuki's aborted motor and thats why it was only made for 2 years haha" and what ever you do dont go onto quadracer hq that place is nothing but stuck up people that love Q..
and i mean it dont its not like here where everyone is nice to each other there are 2 classes there people close to Q and then nobodys

youll love these things they dont sound like a normal piped 2stroke more low sound they are so sweet and rip they just dont sound like a normal everyday 2stroke one of a kind
my 250 is deeper than that lake vid thats pretty close mine is just a tad deeper and that ESR 310 is sick its more pingy mine is just a flat drone.. ill see if i can get a video for you so you can hear it
i love black river falls im like an hour or 2 away we go there every summer. theres some pretty crazy trails and my couzin rolled his 250r trike 2wice one one of the trailscuz its all rock, other then that its amazing and trust me the hills are scary lol
sounds awesome man, hey theres a lt in rhode island for 400 I think the engines seized but the guy must be crazy cuz it has brand new tires on it and he just wants it gone. I was gonna get it but I don't need another rebuild. And not that you're gonna go to rhode island, but just saying save your money til you find something really worth it. Thats my worst habit, save and spend instantly.
sounds awesome man, hey theres a lt in rhode island for 400 I think the engines seized but the guy must be crazy cuz it has brand new tires on it and he just wants it gone. I was gonna get it but I don't need another rebuild. And not that you're gonna go to rhode island, but just saying save your money til you find something really worth it. Thats my worst habit, save and spend instantly.

hahaha.. thats my downfall do.. im kind of a impulse buyer??? last night went to fleet farm to get anti fog stuff for my goggles, ended up buying $45 bucks worth of stuff!! .. bought a bitching iron corss belt buckle though hahaha