Why this site is great and why you should support it.


New Member
Jan 30, 2010
South Carolina
I had a problem with my bike. I'm new to Blasters as of the last month or so. I traded my car system for my Blasty (best idea ever) which had lots of engine / carb / reed problems. Limited budget for a few more months for mods but I want to get her running. Check out this quote.

ive got a stock carb you can have just pay shipping also have a oe reed cage
ill never us them this might get you going

This is a family site. I:I This is why the site is the sh*t and you should support. He offered to send me the stock reeds, cage, TORS assembly for the top of the carb and the carb for 10 bucks shipping from WA to SC. Believe me, when I do my mods this spring, I will be sure to give away my stock parts to help another Blastard out. :D