Who has sony vegas pro 9?


New Member
Nov 19, 2008
Just outside of fairbanks ak
I just got it last night.. holy learing curve!! :o

I'm very un-happy with it, its complex, the lay out is frustrating, and if you want to render HD the file size is HUGE(well bigger then other programs that render HD). I'm glad I got it for free :p
once you get past that massive hill of learning, its just more mountains on the other side. ive been using vegas since 7 and im still learning new sh*t. its primo for free though :D
I have Adobe After Effects CS4. It had a learning curve too, but once you got the hang of it, it was really easy and really good. Only thing is the render times. But, any program has long render times... benefit: I can render it in 1080p using BluRay settings. I:I