whats next

I still ride in the ditches. If they can catch me, then they can ticket me.
You really wanna know what sucks. Getting pulled over while driving a golf cart 200 ft down the road to a field entrance. Thats what sucks.
that would be so nice.... i still drive gravels an cut through fields an lvl b's an lvl c's just gotta know where exscape route is..
I live on a private road...my neighbours are dick's and like to call the cops, but every time the cop says "it's a private road, there is nothing you can do about it" and i can ride on the road all i want here all you need is a helmet and if your 16 u can ride on the roads
I have a bad feeling that thats going to start happening here, last summer I got ALOT of hate for riding along the side of the road to get to the trails. And in wasilla the riding scene has been slowly been killed by the people there the last few years... wasilla used to be the hot spot for riding..... not anymore :(
I have a bad feeling that thats going to start happening here, last summer I got ALOT of hate for riding along the side of the road to get to the trails. And in wasilla the riding scene has been slowly been killed by the people there the last few years... wasilla used to be the hot spot for riding..... not anymore :(

thats whats going on here too,
last summer there is this place out on a road called airport road, and it leads to a private MX track and a sh*t load of trails. Went EVERYDAY last summer, now i went one time over this summer, cops almost caught me lol. it sucks its impossible to get to riding places now but they dont understand we're just trying to get to riding spots
I only have to ride across a road most of the time to get where I want... but some times there are further road rides. We're not allowed in ditches... so we normally just hit up the road.
i could never ride the ditches here.. and what makes me mad is that sleds can do whatever they want since they "dont rip up the ground" which is complete bull i look at the ditch at the end of my drive way nothing but dirt there is no snow and they keep riding on it. complete bull sh*t
i could never ride the ditches here.. and what makes me mad is that sleds can do whatever they want since they "dont rip up the ground" which is complete bull i look at the ditch at the end of my drive way nothing but dirt there is no snow and they keep riding on it. complete bull sh*t
I totally agree with that! In the winter time sleds can do what ever they want, and people complain about noise..... twin and triple sleds are 2x's as loud! But in the summer time when you ride a bike or quad you get 20 pissed off people yellin at you and calling the cops :-/ and being way more responsible then someone on a sled! wtf!!! Like I said above I think people have nothing better to do.... obviously....X(
ya and on the bike trails here it has a sign that says no snowmobiles no quads or bikes..but guess what i saw a snowmobiler on it and a cop went right by and did nothing and i know he saw him cause he slowed down.. but when im only doing 10 mph on the trail the cops stop and question me and tell me to go home.. and im only going to my neighbor to talk to him.so dumb