What would it be



If you where going to buy another 4 wheeler in the same "class" as the Yamaha Blaster what would it be.
2 strokes or 4 strokes

Just want to see what forum members would say.
Should be interesting thread.

No Shee's or 250R ok=))=))

I guess my vote would be the suzuki quad racer 230

Don't have a want for another in this class(the Blaster is the sh*t, man!!). I would get a much bigger one, probably 4 stroke, or an old Big Red 3 wheeler.

yfz 450 so i can race it. or a suzuki quad racer R450. but my blaster is good in races so i'm happy with it even if its a lil small
i would go for the new trx 250 or 300 that new clutch on the 250 is pretty sweet for big jumps caint stall it what so ever