Okay so like I have said before I bought a 84 kx 80 off my buddy that needs a low end and a top end. So what I want to know is should I just part it out and hopefully make my money back on it or; fix it and then sell it next fall. The thing I am thinking is I need a new bow, baaaaaaddddddd, but I want a dirt bike and this winter I will be getting work cleaning drive ways about 15-20$ a driveway. My parents are paying for the rebuild for christmas and then if I would keep the kx 80 until next fall I would sell it save up over next winter and buy a 125 of some sort in the spring or late winter. I also will probably have to buy a new water pump seal for the polaris which is what I clean driveways with becuase I am getting a little bit of antifreeze coming from the propeller seal. Just give me some of your guys and gals opinoins.