what piston


Mar 4, 2008
so im due for a new topend, im getting it bored for $60 is that a good price?, also im wondering what piston to go with, i want one that is lighter so the engine will rev faster, and how much does it cost to get a flywheel lightened approximately? thx for all your help guys it is always appreciated!
oh, im not sure what size i need yet, im hoping its just one size up, im just wondering what piston is good and reasonably priced, thx again
Usually between 50 - 75 bucks for a bore & hone on a jug is about right.

All pistons are made from aluminum, there really is no "lighter" pistons. The only way to go for a piston with these motors is a Wiseco forged piston. They are about $50 - 80 bucks depending on the size needed. The old addage of you get what you pay for really applies here.

I paid $40 bucks to get my flywheel cut, that is about the norm.
do you know where there is any riding out by parma area cause im moving out there starting the first week of july, i might take my quad to a storage unit or im gonna just leave it at my dads house in medina
because i gave it to my local yamaha shop n they dont have the equipment to do it so they have to send it off to the honda shop so they jak up the price so they can get their money outta it
I though denny was $40 bucks for the flywheel cutting? I could be wrong, and probably am lol. It was last year when I had mine done.
im a lil confused, is a 240 kit from someone like vitos ( i know there crappy im just using them as a point) the same as ordering a .40 over wiseco piston and having it installed?

im asking as far as the performance part of both, or does the 240 kit come with extras?
I have the vito's 240 kit on mine, denny @ flotek ported it for me. It is an ok casting as long as you get it ported. I wish I would have just did the stroker crank though. You will gain a lot more power from a 3mm stroker crank and a good port job on the stock jug than a 240 kit any day.