what gun u use in mw2?


Apr 12, 2009
northwest Indiana
i use a FAL AGOG, a barret .50 ca thermall, or a tar 21 fmj, depending on the situation, i mostly use the tar, but i am also liking the mpk5 now, please tell what guns u use
i love using my SCAR-H and a noob tuber... i know lame.. im also good with my intervention. and i like having duel m9s as a secondary... and in sticky situations i like bustin out the AUG-BAR and tearin it up
depends on the map, mostly use the ACR with FMJ and dual rafficas

i also run an m240 with extended mags and RPG

or if i need to run alot like on teminal, i run dual mp5k's with with a single raffica so i can atleast have one long range gun.
acr w/red dot or holo sight.... for sniping 50cal or intervention with slieght of hand pro.... scar h extended mags rapes ass, tar21 holographic sight bec the mars sight (red dot) sucks on it... cant w8 for black ops...
i forgot my secondary, i use the good old striker in a sticky situation, i lost most of my stuff going pretseige, i am still stunned by how deadly the tar 21 fmj is, haha, i quit sniping as of yesterday tho, just not for me, i keep getting pwnd when i snipe, i use the good old fal for close range, with a pp2000 fmj as my secondary, good gun, i can play a entire round with the pp2000 fmj and still get 10 mor kills then deaths