heres the story..
i got a free blaster from a friend after he went out and bought a brand new yzf450..
the blaster was stored for a year on the grab bar.. gave it a couple kicks and it seized up because there was No oil in it..
- i took off the head and sprayed it down with some wd-40 and cranked it with a ratched and freed it up
-drained out the wd and put some 10-30 in it and put it all back together.
-cleaned out the carb with a air compressor
-so i kick it a couple times and i sounds like it wants to run but shuts off and makes a "pooof" noise from the exhaust... not a loud backfire..more like an air type of noise.
-the bike feels like it has good compression too.
i took the head back off and was thinking of changing the gaskets and possibly the rings.
what do you guy think??
i got a free blaster from a friend after he went out and bought a brand new yzf450..
the blaster was stored for a year on the grab bar.. gave it a couple kicks and it seized up because there was No oil in it..
- i took off the head and sprayed it down with some wd-40 and cranked it with a ratched and freed it up
-drained out the wd and put some 10-30 in it and put it all back together.
-cleaned out the carb with a air compressor
-so i kick it a couple times and i sounds like it wants to run but shuts off and makes a "pooof" noise from the exhaust... not a loud backfire..more like an air type of noise.
-the bike feels like it has good compression too.
i took the head back off and was thinking of changing the gaskets and possibly the rings.
what do you guy think??