what does this sound like?


New Member
Oct 23, 2008
heres the story..
i got a free blaster from a friend after he went out and bought a brand new yzf450..

the blaster was stored for a year on the grab bar.. gave it a couple kicks and it seized up because there was No oil in it..

- i took off the head and sprayed it down with some wd-40 and cranked it with a ratched and freed it up
-drained out the wd and put some 10-30 in it and put it all back together.
-cleaned out the carb with a air compressor
-so i kick it a couple times and i sounds like it wants to run but shuts off and makes a "pooof" noise from the exhaust... not a loud backfire..more like an air type of noise.
-the bike feels like it has good compression too.

i took the head back off and was thinking of changing the gaskets and possibly the rings.

what do you guy think??
i would think that backfire was from lack of compression mine did it b4 but it was loud as f*ck.
if you didnt change the gaskets you may have caused an air leak.
i would go ahead and replace the piston while you were in there
P.S. i wish i could get a free blaster

word. lol your lucky.

so will it idle, or just cut right off? if it cuts off you may not be getting fuel.
check your float valve. sounds like the carbs not getting fuel becuase you already cleaned it well enough. change your spark plug just in case.
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