

Apr 12, 2009
northwest Indiana
i was thinkin, i like to wheelie up onto the grab bar a lotand i don't really trust the stock grab bar, so i was thinkin a could fab one up with heavier duty material and makeit 2" longer and a bit wider, what materials should i use, also what are the dimensions of the stock bar.
Your grab bar it suppose to give so you don't end up tweaking your sub frame. Making a heavy duty one out of steel is asking for trouble if you ask me. What you should do is practice riding wheelies without hitting the grab bar on the ground
also, just watch some vids online, there are guys with weird aftermarket lookin grab bars that the ride around on the road with. i want one of them.
Why not just weld a piece of steel plate onto the stock grab bar.Place it at an angle and weld it on.Then you can ride around on it all you want.When the steel wears out weld again.lol
y not just put some wheels on the end of ur grab bar cause then u could ride around on the grab bar wheels an never have to replace anything again..
Or you can do what I did and instead of having a grab bar because I've wasted $200+ on them I just bolted some 90 degree angle steel onto my frame as a flag mount so it just slides in the sand. Can't do any wheelies anymore because of my $70.00 cobra sparky spark spark arrestor haha.