Weird noise when coasting


New Member
Jan 14, 2013
Huntington wv
Just got my quad re jetted, set the idle leak down tested (thanks to everyone's useful tips on this site by the way. It's helped out in alot of diff ways) but now I noticed a strange noise. Went out for a ride and when I pull in clutch or have it in neutral coasting a strange noise comes from the motor. Only has 3 hours on oil change. Gettin close to time for topend rebuild too if that's a factor. Doing topend by spring but was concerned if this was a total diff concern
It's a light grinding noise. I don't use clutch goin downhills or anything. My other blaster had the ball welded from previous owner lol. It does it on slow coast. On acceleration and slow down with engine rpm it doesn't make it. Someone told me possibly wrist pin bearing since top end is bout due
Chain is tensioned right but is kind of worn. Ill go out and double check tho.

check for it rubbing at the skidplate and also the swinger roller and lower chain roller

i think if it was in the engine you'd hear it at idle while just sitting too ??
Chain is too tight. Must of overlooked that 1. Just traded a cr250 for it few months ago and haven't got to get into it. Bone stock and clean besides holeshots on it. Even still has tors and oil injection which are both bout to go bye bye lol. By the way thanks awk and blaaster. I've learned to fix and do alot to my other 01 blaster cause of info you all posted on other threads.
Chain is too tight. Must of overlooked that 1. Just traded a cr250 for it few months ago and haven't got to get into it. Bone stock and clean besides holeshots on it. Even still has tors and oil injection which are both bout to go bye bye lol. By the way thanks awk and blaaster. I've learned to fix and do alot to my other 01 blaster cause of info you all posted on other threads.

I'm interested in your oil injection parts...tank,pump,lines,etc. I'll trade you a block off plate for the oil injection components. Let me know.