wat would be the point of this

it gives you a wider stance so that your handling is much better, you sit lower to the ground and the center of gravity is lowered, so that on sharp corners you wont tip over as easily. i wouldn't get it if you ride trails, but if you race flat track then thats good. if you do mx or trails and you want better handling then just get wheel spacers, no loss of ground clearance and no loss of suspension travel. you can get up to 10 inches wider (5in spacers on each wheel)and yes they have them for front and back.
usually on ebay they run around 70$ a set of 2( enough to do front or back only) but you may find them cheaper, but weigh your pros and cons beforehttp://cgi.ebay.com/ebaymotors/5-wheel-spacers-yamaha-blaster-banshee-raptor-yfz450_W0QQcmdZViewItemQQcategoryZ43983QQihZ021QQitemZ310025717586QQrdZ1QQsspagenameZWDVW you take my word for it, i dont know what you do, be it mx, trails, or flat. also great idea if you ride dunes alot, sand can throw you at funny angles, and a wider stance helps alot.
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woops that didnt work, anyways i couldnt find a 10inch spacer, but i found 5" (2 1/2" on each side) at ebay, thats supposed to be a link but it didnt work. just put in yamaha blaster wheel spacers, they have two dif designs and they both are great and youll never break them. good luck