Upstate NY Ride


Sep 30, 2009
Potsdam NY
Well went for a ride Sunday with a few buddies and the women. Was about 45 out and windy but was a blast. Was the 1st time in 5 years that I have been to the Newton Falls pits and wow. Will be doing it at leat 1ce a month from now on. Let me know what ya guys think. Had the banshee out the blaster is awaiting some upgrades b4 I take it out.

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Was great!! It was so cold my wife only got a few vids But next summer will have alot more fun. Will be buying another editng program too.
I gotta say, I just love the way your Shee sounds..I would love to have one, but I would blow it up just holding it open for the noise..
hahah ya thoes pro circuits sound nice. alot better than the fmf i had on it when i got it. I try to hve my buddy ride it so i can hear it too hahaha
it does sound sexy!!!! the pro circs, cpi, and dmc w/ alien silencers sound the best!!!

BTW the double post thing...

when you post vids from photo bucket to forums.. just use the im/email link option than it will show up with one vid... dont use the embeded option link