Twist or thumb throttle? Wich is best and why?


Sep 23, 2012
Birmingham uk
I'm thinking of getting a twist throttle convertion for my blaster but want opinions first from people that have them fitted first before I get one. Cheers
I like thumb throttles on quads and twist throttles on bikes. On a bike, you're not turning even when you turn at speed, you lean and the bike follows. On a quad, even at speed, you have to turn the handlebars. I find that quad handlebars have more of a tendency to "snap" when the tire touches anything making it more likely you're going to goose the throttle trying to hold on and make a tiny problem into a huge problem.

Just a personal preference, twist on bikes and thumb on quads.
I like thumb throttles on quads and twist throttles on bikes. On a bike, you're not turning even when you turn at speed, you lean and the bike follows. On a quad, even at speed, you have to turn the handlebars. I find that quad handlebars have more of a tendency to "snap" when the tire touches anything making it more likely you're going to goose the throttle trying to hold on and make a tiny problem into a huge problem.

Just a personal preference, twist on bikes and thumb on quads.

Couldn't of said it better
i rode bikes for a while with a twist throttle and when i purchased my blaster i was planning on getting a twist throttle for it but i didn't have money at time so i went out on it and used thumb throttle and now i don't even want a twist throttle.

my personal feeling like sivic said stick to a thumb throttle and let the bikes keep the twist ;)
Ive had a quarter turn twist on all my quads and i couldnt be happier. Except giving a girlfriend a ride its hard to keep it going slow but if you ride aggressively all the time they are very beneficial. Your thumb doesnt get tired, its easier to slide, easier to use more body english, much easier to hold it wide open. Wheelies are harder at first and so is technical stuff, but both will become easy in time. I have never accidentally kept it wide open and it has no safety concern with me. Although I let two of my buddies ride with it and one of them crashed the other was too scared to ride hard with it. I recommend it faithfully, but those who dislike it also have a very viable arguement. Try it and see for yourself
Simple as this. Ride with thumb throttle and hit woops. Let go of your thumb, the throttle stops and you can still keep your hand on the bars. Now ride with twist throttle and let go of the throttle but keep your hands on the bars. O wait, you cant. Your hand is always on the throttle and if you slip, youre pinned full throttle. And if your thumb gets tired, you shouldnt be riding a quad. I have twist throttle and would trade someone in a mississippi minute
The way I ride is either wide open or nothin. Im always full throttle over whoops or climbing hills. If its technical trails Its on and off but I rarely try to hold the throttle at a specific position. Your throttle of choice is more dependant on riding style. Even if you like the idea of a twister you wont like it if you ride it slowly and steadily. Most people that ride quads need a thumb throttle but some people are more comfortable with a twist and to those people they are no more dangerous than a thumb. Its hard to accidentally pin the throttle if you had it pinned in the first place, on purpose. lol
I agree, twist throttles are way too prone to accidents. You have much more safe, consistent control with the thumb throttle especially in hairy situations. Using a twist throttle could be the difference between a close call and twisted carnage !
You guys make some good points about the steering with ATV / Dirtbike. I put a twist throttle on my Tri-z 250 years ago, and loved it. Now im in the market to put a twist throttle on my blaster. Not just because i enjoy them. But last year i had a firework accident and lost my thumb (Thank god they put it back on and it works!). But due to it not having any nerves, its painful and hard to use the thumb for me. So throttle is only choice.