Trailboss 250!!


Nov 10, 2008
Eastern Iowa
so thursday i went an bought a 94 trailboss 2x4 2 stroke... i know its no yamaha but atleast its still a 2 stroke an got a steller deal too.. it does need new front shocks an front tires otherwise everything else works an no cracks in the plastics or anything.. il get up a pic tomarrow for you guys..

so anyways after picking it up thursday after work we road it all night until about 230 am when the sheriff asked me where the headlight was an i forgot to put it back on an i stood up on the quad an leaned forward an looked an i then should of kept my mouth shut but couldnt resist....(had a few drinks to many) i look straight at him an said i think it was stolen i better go home.. then hes says "yea thats pry a smart move.." thank god i had my helmet on an goggles an so did my nefu on the back of the quad an so did my friend chris that i was pulling on the sled through town... lol

the best part is are town has a street light on every corner an theres only 110 pepople that live in this town an no one cares which is nice I:I
hahahahaha!! trail boss 250s rock!!! my first FOUR wheeler was a 90 trail boss 250 that i rode twice and sold my 61 caddy for 600 and sold my wife the trail boss for 100 so i could buy my 1st blaster...

1990.. was on original top end tell after i sold it, thing was rock solid!!!! hit trees' pulled cars, puched cars, jumped, rolled, flipped, fell threw the ice on the river once.... and floated!!!!

here is our old one....

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nice aric.. yea so far just from the riding i did today it seems rock solid an its a lot of fun to dick around with.... gives me somethign to ride until the shee is running. so far today i had my buddies artic pussy 400 ass pack me like 5 times an didnt do sh*t to it. lol the front tires are so bald you cant stop an the front left shock is frooze up so its gonna need a new spring an shock lol so right now its like ridin a trike with the front wheel being off center... kinda sucks but hey it just gives me more of the challenge to ride lmao
nice man.... im sorry guys got a lil hung up at work today an didnt get time to take pics when it was daylight out today ill have to do it tomarrow for ya guys.. sorry everyone
THAT BS U B***H....U PROMISED US PICS U A-HOLE! AND ITS A BIG f*ckIN LIE! I BET YOU ONE OF THOSE ENTERNET SCAMMERS TOO....POS..GTFO OUTAHERE AND DONT COME BACK.....GO BLOW UP YOUR DOLL AND STOP PLAYING US LIKE A BUNCH OF PICTURE HATING PEOPLE...... hahaah i am venting out all my made up picture anger...dont pay any attention to what was said above...but u better have pic tomrrow OR ELSE!
well if you want pics from the dark i can go an take a few for ya lol... trust me man venting can do people a lot of stress release lol.. i know how it is an yes i atully do have pics of my friends vblow up doll with him blowing it up if you wnat to see them too lmfao
ahahahaha no good, i was just kidding....just pullen ur leg, i guess i can bare 1 more day...ahaaha jk about that 2...when ever u get the chance, post em up
yea just did fed i went through my camera options cause i just got it like 2 weeks ago a i found a night mod an the pics actully look really good so im gettin then up here in a few mins



yea my truck you see there i got for 100 bucks at a salvage auction cause it was rolled 3 times.. so i cut the roof off an got a new one welded in an then pulled out the dents on the box a best as i could then installed air bags in the ass end to raise up the ass end when pullin heavy loads... works out great. i put almost 2500lbs of salt bags in my box an then air the bags up an the truck dont even squat.. the filler nozzels are right below the white ball lights by my liscens plates.. look for the lil white nipple caps.. it was the best thing i could of installed on my truck besides it haven a cheap system that sounds great in it lmfao... when i wear my rappist glass an smoke a cig an have the system bummpin an a quad in the back i look like a straight up redneck lmfao