tors removal

Throttle Over Ride System,it cuts off the motor if it feel the carb is stuck open..(so they say)......but in almost every case it just causes problems with starting and running. Its a system that yamaha should have never used. Easy to remove,and a good idea to.And it frees up some space to work on the quad.
The T.O.R.S. is a throttle over ride system. It is designed to cut the motor in the case the motor gets stuck at full open throttle. The reason we remove it because the system is just junk and causes nothing but problems. They sell a complete T.O.R.S. Deletion kit. If you look in the DYI section of the forum there is a DYI for unhooking the T.O.R.S. But IMO you should delete the whole system.
Here is a downloadable manual for you bro.

I think in the later years of the Blaster they are differant then the older ones.

Here is the part that sits on top of the carb. There is a part to it in the thumb throttle and a electrical part under the front hook. This was on my 89.