tors? problem?


Jan 28, 2016
ok so i just want for a ride n it was running grate! so i get ready to leave i go up a hill to get my bag n i stop put it in neutral hope off to grab the bag n i tern to get back on n all the sudden it starts revving really really high n im like wtf so i hit the kill swith so im looking around for anything rong nothing so i kick it it seems ok so i limp it back to the truck i pull up n stop n put it in neutral n hope off it start revving again n then it gose from really high revving to bogging out n shuts off plz ppl is this the tors going bad or something else????
Also were u low on fuel, was gas off by accident and do u often run ur carb dry
yes i was low on gas wen i got back to the house i looked in the tank n it was low but it wasnt bone dry n im not sure what u mean by running my carb dry?
If you were low on gas did you have petcock on RES? if not you could have been starving the carb. (Running lean.) If your tank is low and your not on RES assuming you have stock petcock you carb isn't getting enough fuel
there are three settings on your carb... OFF,RES, and ON if your tank is low and you quad is running like this which points to lean try turning it to RES or filling the the tank up
no i dont tern the gas line off n let it run until it dies ni always leave it in the on postion n i was planning on going to get gas in the morning i do the pre mix but okay those all seam like reasonable explanation but would that make it revv like that to??? thats what made me think it was the tors
If you just leave it in the on position you will eventually run out of gas turn it to the RES position and see how it does. i believe you are low on gas and being low on gas and not on the RES with the petcock makes you run lean because you are running out of fuel. which would cause it to idle like a bat out of hell. correct me if I'm wrong
tru it all tge sudden rev crazy fast n then idle for like 2.5 sec n then start to bog out so tomorrow ill go get gas mix it put it in n see what happens idk i just thought that if it was bc i was low on gas it would just bog not rev then bog but ok so from now on wen i tern it off n put in in the garage i should put in in off? is it smart to put it in the off postion n let it run untll it shuts off? is that what it means to run it dry?
ok grate thanks guys i just tuck it out i mix it put in in n it started up good ran just fine thanks really but just for future reference what dose the tors problem sownd like or do so i no