

New Member
Mar 27, 2013
Hey all, I've lurked here for a few months, ever since I got my Blaster. I've been riding for about 20 years, had a few Mojaves, a Raptor and a Banshee but the Blaster is the most fun little ATV I've ever had. I:I

Anyway, I do 90% of my riding in tight trails with a few wide open fields here and there and I'm looking for the best pipe for low/mid power without losing much on the top. So my question is do I go with the Toomey or is there something else out there?

Thanks so much....
I actually have an FMF on her right now. No complaints from me, just looking for a little more oomph
Well as far as power increase I don't think you are going to get a lot more out of a toomey. The sound of a toomey is like no other. If your looking for a little more power down low try advancing your timing. Or get your cylinder ported and head modded and experiment with gearing.
DMC Alien, great quality, leakproof fitup, excellent low/mids and the best sounding left bend on the market.

Couple it up with a +4deg timing advance, reed spacer block between reeds and the jug, and fit a foam air filter as close to the carby that suits your application.

My lad trying one out.

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I still have the stock carb, would there be any plusses to going bigger?

You want to keep your stock carb until you do some motor mods. Such as porting or 240 kit. The Toomey is a high quality pipe that sounds amazing. I have never heard a pipe that sounds better than a Toomey (Including right bends.) The only down side is the cost. If you do some research you will find most people go with either FMF (Cost effective), Toomey (Great quality and sound), or a right bend pipe (Works better with modded motors.)
My Toomey works great on my blaster and i have +4 timing and the down low power is great too. Toomey is a great exhaust the down side is the cost $ but I really recommend it