I know, most of ya'll have kids, and etc etc etc.
but this is a huge thing for me.
1. because shes has complications which make it like 1/500 to have kids
2. because im awesome, and im going to brag about it.
3.my son is the spawn of the devil..
background on him: Name is Brantley. hes in the 97th percentile for height and weight(means hes going to be tall). he had complications when he was born, fluid in the lungs etc(this is another reason why its a special day).he is 1 at 9:45pm, but the best thing is, he can walk by himself(didnt even use anything to lean on either) hes starting to form full sentences, already getting his baby molars(from what ive heard this is kinda early) and he can run maybe 15 steps before falling.
why is he the spawn of the devil you may ask?
2am. hes like, HAHAHAH.....*thinks its play time*
pull him out of his high chair, he runs around the kitchen island, and stops by his high chair......flips it over and laughs.
took him out after a bath, nope decided to run around the house.
4am and he wants to play. throws a stuffed animal at you.
will scream at you just becuase
and many more memories.
first word was daddy etc. save the cute stuff.
sorry if this is going on, but i feel as if i should brag.haha
heres me and him last week.
best thing though. the little guy, will run around, once you try and film him, he stops. stares at the camera and gets this little smirk on his face. wont do anything until the camera goes away. and he does this cute little dance to gangnam style.
every said he takes after me, i realize he does. hes more interested in cars then anything else.
so for his bday. i bought him one of those red and yellow coupe cars that all kids have(i never got one) plus hes got two powerwheels (some cars one and a 24v fourwheeler) and i will say i do spoil him. but what ive realized, with kids, you get to be a kid again and play with the toys you never had.
So in conclusion, today is for him, and sorry about the long post. but im a happy proud father.
but this is a huge thing for me.
1. because shes has complications which make it like 1/500 to have kids
2. because im awesome, and im going to brag about it.
3.my son is the spawn of the devil..
background on him: Name is Brantley. hes in the 97th percentile for height and weight(means hes going to be tall). he had complications when he was born, fluid in the lungs etc(this is another reason why its a special day).he is 1 at 9:45pm, but the best thing is, he can walk by himself(didnt even use anything to lean on either) hes starting to form full sentences, already getting his baby molars(from what ive heard this is kinda early) and he can run maybe 15 steps before falling.
why is he the spawn of the devil you may ask?
2am. hes like, HAHAHAH.....*thinks its play time*
pull him out of his high chair, he runs around the kitchen island, and stops by his high chair......flips it over and laughs.
took him out after a bath, nope decided to run around the house.
4am and he wants to play. throws a stuffed animal at you.
will scream at you just becuase
and many more memories.
first word was daddy etc. save the cute stuff.
sorry if this is going on, but i feel as if i should brag.haha
heres me and him last week.

best thing though. the little guy, will run around, once you try and film him, he stops. stares at the camera and gets this little smirk on his face. wont do anything until the camera goes away. and he does this cute little dance to gangnam style.
every said he takes after me, i realize he does. hes more interested in cars then anything else.
so for his bday. i bought him one of those red and yellow coupe cars that all kids have(i never got one) plus hes got two powerwheels (some cars one and a 24v fourwheeler) and i will say i do spoil him. but what ive realized, with kids, you get to be a kid again and play with the toys you never had.
So in conclusion, today is for him, and sorry about the long post. but im a happy proud father.