this is why they call the cops lol


New Member
Jan 24, 2008
i finally got a vid of my blaster with my good camera only thing is i had to turn it down to 320x240 from 720p. and i still have no camera man lol but now you can realy hear what the blu demon sounds like lol

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kinda but theres nuthing they can really do, cuz they have called to many times and the sheriff said as long as we are not in there yards or on there land its fine to ride. and it takes the cops somtimes 30min to get out here. as you can see its pretty rual lol
blasty sounds ok,im not to crazy about the lil back fire noise -pop pop pop- You need some plastics back on home skillet! in the same color as the tank and would look tuff.
You need some plastics back on home skillet! in the same color as the tank and would look tuff.

i have those to its just people are like compeled to touch,lean,or sit on or close to them so i leave them off. plus i really dont ride on dirt just strait lines mostly
i went through my jumping phase when i was 12 and tryed mx at 19 and it wasnt for me fun to watch tho. i like trails to just not many to ride here that dont have 1000Ft deep mud holes lol
hahaha told ya!! sounds just like mine did with the fmf with no packing it.. and started adding packing little by little untell i got the sound i wanted........

rockey.. why not try flat track???you look to hav eneough land there.. make a oval and have at it!!! wide open and sideways the two best things on a atv!
hahaha told ya!! sounds just like mine did with the fmf with no packing it.. and started adding packing little by little untell i got the sound i wanted........

rockey.. why not try flat track???you look to hav eneough land there.. make a oval and have at it!!! wide open and sideways the two best things on a atv!

thats what i wanna get into but i dont know where i could race here
a friend of mines has a plot of land that just got cleared. hmmmm i wonder