things you did when you were younger that you feel bad about or regret


Jun 9, 2010
Marysville, Ohio
i saw a thread like this over on my second favorite forum, supermotojunkie, and thought it would be cool to do the same thing on here. like the title says, post some things you did when you were younger that you feel guilty for or regret. i'll go first

one time some friends and i put mice in a couple of the people's in my neighborhood's mail boxes. i was like 15 and we thought it would be funny. that same night, we put goldfish in condoms that we filled up like water baloons and put them on peoples front porches.

another time me and the same group of friends went around and drew on random peoples cars with car chalk. it wasnt anything too bad. just some crude jokes and stuff. but there were several phone calls to the police the next morning. good thing we tagged our own cars, so that threw them off a little bit and we didnt get in any trouble. now that i look back on it, maybe we should have gotten in trouble. maybe that would have taught us a lesson.

be honest guys, post them up. dont make me feel bad lol. i dont think i was really a bad kid. i dont really regret any of these things, but i feel bad about them. i dont live with any regrets. there were a few things that were worse, but i dont think i can post them yet
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Re: things you did when you were younger that you regret

paintballing cars, airsoft cars, paintballing people, throw random things at people, smashing mailboxes, DDD, lawn jobs. but i dont regret any of that.
i only regret the things i didn't do. like say hi to the slut at the bar, not hooking up with my teacher, not going to the UC game saturday. better to do something and it suck than wonder what if.
Re: things you did when you were younger that you regret

I always say the things I regret are the things I was to scared to do and didn't do in the first place.
umm kicking my neighbours cat which died a week later ,feeding ducks rat poisin(i was only 8 lol ) pissing on my friends blasty,crashing my friends 110cc bike 3 times in 10mins lol going down a hill 5th gear pinned in the blasty and had to drive into a feild which was just ploughed coz i would never of made that turn at the bottom of teh hill, hell theres sh*tloads !oh and making onr of bestfriend get stitchs in the back of his head! (he was swinging on his chair and i pulled him off ! ( as a joke ,ment no harm ) lol
There are alot but after reading the thread it reminded me of a time I shot the neighbors cat.
He had a habit of coming over and making our dogs bark all night.
After too many times of being kept up I did the deed.
I pretty much immediately felt bad because the next day at the bus stop,
my neighbor was telling me she was worried about her cat because it didn't come home.
There are alot but after reading the thread it reminded me of a time I shot the neighbors cat.
He had a habit of coming over and making our dogs bark all night.
After too many times of being kept up I did the deed.
I pretty much immediately felt bad because the next day at the bus stop,
my neighbor was telling me she was worried about her cat because it didn't come home.

Thats Harsh man....
umm took a dump on a friends 80 put his quad between 2 trees so he couldnt get it out bairied the same quad under snow then turned it into a ramp for quads and snowmobiles, and recently, got pissed at a friend so i perked my car on the driver side of his civic and the other side was on a pole and i went in wall mart for about an hour, kinda feel bad about that one but the others?? nope
you guys dont have the time and this site doesnt have the room to hear all my regretful stories, especially my younger days "in the hood" terrorizing and vandalizing
i (we) were very very bad as pre-teens, thank god my son didnt put me thru what i put my 'ol man thru, and glad it wasnt this era of guns !!!!!! but we used everything else we could get our hands on.... ballbats, redbricks ect. ect........
the biggest thing i regret as a kid was not continuing school, i got thrown out at the chubb institute and never went i work out in the 26 degree cold when i couldve been in a nice warm office sitting in a comfy leather chair reading blasterforum all day
oh yeah, i got the scars too, a few that come to mind are the big one on the back of my head from gettin hit with an old school, thick ass coca-cola bottle, damn i whooped his ass real good after that one, and a 2x4 with nails in it to the back, same result as above, beat down !!!!, then drug his ass thru the brier bushes, he had so many rose thorns stickin out if him, he looked like a black jesus, hahahahaaaaaa
but i tought it was just me! sweet im not that bad , but every night i dont have school the following day i sneak out of the house around 1 or 2 meet the girl chillax with a bottle of bud then when we get done paint "stuff" on the road signs its fun , but i know i gotta stop lol
oh yeah, i got the scars too, a few that come to mind are the big one on the back of my head from gettin hit with an old school, thick ass coca-cola bottle, damn i whooped his ass real good after that one, and a 2x4 with nails in it to the back, same result as above, beat down !!!!, then drug his ass thru the brier bushes, he had so many rose thorns stickin out if him, he looked like a black jesus, hahahahaaaaaa
