well here it is ppl!! 93 blaster.. LESS THAN 5 HOURS ON LOWER END AND TOP AND AND CARB REBUILD!!!!! the stroy on it is.. 2 owners ago.. motor took a sh*t... lower end locked up, guy put a new lower end in, put it together and it wouldnt rev, so he took it apart and put a new top end in it, still would rev, traded it to my friend for ago cart, friend rebuilt carb still wouldnt run, i found the mouse nest and now it runs!!!
it needs new brake cables, i can hardly pull the lever hard enough to move it to slow down, and clutch cable is stretched.. minor details!!
so.. fmf gold series pipe, unsure of silencer maybe someone can identify it for me... +4 axle, 18 inch turf tamers, boysen reeds,.. my friend wanted something to teach his kids how to ride so he traded us for the trail boss.. my wife didnt know i traded her boss for the blaster tell ohh.. 10 hours later lol.. well she is very happy!!! and she already bought paint for it.. gonna have black hood tank and seat with blue fenders and black a arms...
well here are the pics... bair with me as i will have about 3 posts right away in this thread for all the info from today..
i washed it tonight so i didnt get any pictures of it clean.. but it womt matter it will be painted tommrow maybe..
im taken the +4 axle out of it and puttin it on mine and puttin the shee axle in hers, i allready took the fmf exhaust off and put it on mine, and rejetting tommrow morning.. taken the grab bar off and puttin it on mine also and ordering a6 pack rack for hers, and the exhaust i bought from braap will go on hers with my answer silencer
it needs new brake cables, i can hardly pull the lever hard enough to move it to slow down, and clutch cable is stretched.. minor details!!
so.. fmf gold series pipe, unsure of silencer maybe someone can identify it for me... +4 axle, 18 inch turf tamers, boysen reeds,.. my friend wanted something to teach his kids how to ride so he traded us for the trail boss.. my wife didnt know i traded her boss for the blaster tell ohh.. 10 hours later lol.. well she is very happy!!! and she already bought paint for it.. gonna have black hood tank and seat with blue fenders and black a arms...
well here are the pics... bair with me as i will have about 3 posts right away in this thread for all the info from today..
i washed it tonight so i didnt get any pictures of it clean.. but it womt matter it will be painted tommrow maybe..
im taken the +4 axle out of it and puttin it on mine and puttin the shee axle in hers, i allready took the fmf exhaust off and put it on mine, and rejetting tommrow morning.. taken the grab bar off and puttin it on mine also and ordering a6 pack rack for hers, and the exhaust i bought from braap will go on hers with my answer silencer