the cursed 200x


Jan 5, 2009
fond du lac wi
as you guys know... my buddy that we bought ym wifes 200x from crashed it and tore a muscle,..

and my wife crashed on new years eve...

went to the DR today, AC seperation :( basicly stretched the rotator cuff muscles, so she has a sling, pain meds, muscle relaxers, she has to rest it, and ice it, and therepy to strenghten the muscles... but nothing is broken or torn
aaaahhh the dangers of the 200x coming back to memory, had an 86 for about 3 years prior to my new 96 blaster, i was always scraped and banged up
yes she crashed due to a situation she never had to face... water on top of ice... she didnt know to lean back and the machine flipped.. shes a trooper... i told her i was gonna start taken parts off hers for mine and she said she will beat me with the handle bars if i do
hell no!! shes tough!!! i asked her if she wanted me to sell the x and get her a 4 wheeler she said ' FK no! i dont need a training wheel'

i almost shat when she said that!

I think your signature says it all!

Glad to hear she's doing well.... I've had 2 shoulder surgeries now. Shoulder pain is the worst!

Wish her well for us!
damn aric sounds like its a case od bad luck with the x.... hope ur wife gets well an starts ripin ya a new one when shes gts better. lol
skip to the 0ne minute mark

edit: this is and edited part of the real movie scene
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