the chevy blew up


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
It seems like everything we own is breaking. first the blasty, then the 400,then the chinese quad, then the dirtbike, now the astro. F my life.
If nothing happens when you hit the key check fuses. If it cranks like normall. Listin out side when turn the key on for the fuel pump to turn on. If pumP turns on and won't start. Spray some carb cleaner down the throttle body if it starts like that. If the astro has the 4.3 vortec your spider is junk ( that's what the injection on them is called) common problem on them.... If that's the case you have a few options. Can buy new from parts store. Or dealer. Or used from junk yard. Or convert it to carborated.. Can get a carb intake off eBay or summit. Or jegs. And get the adjustable pres regulator to drop fuel pres down to 6 to 8 psi. Put a 450 cfm carb on it. .. Will still have the same has mileage if not better. More power and more reliable
i'm gonna bet its battery/starter related, i've only seen one of those motors seriously let go. and that was poor maintenance, there was so much sludge in the pain from never getting the oil changed that the freakin oil pump pickup was totally submerged in it
Me and my dad and one of his buddies were out working on it all day, And its not blown up it was the spark plug caps and the thing that they plug into they were completely blown. But it runs great, thank god........................
i got a 98 s10 pickup with the 4.3 vortec. they got alot of problems. when they do run they run strong, but mine has 130xxx miles and i have replaces just about everything. well the minor stuff anyways. this weekend i gotta replace my intake manifold gasket