thanks guys

Jul 4, 2009
caledonia mn
hey everyone my build is done its freekin insanely load and revs like a mofo lol the only thing now is finish breakin and jet it woohoo im so freakin happy thanks for every one for helping me u guys are awsome
Lets see some pics dude! upload them to photobucket then copy and paste the
92 as soon as i got yur crank i put it in then skool and stuff so i couldnt work too much lol and i might give u a run wait for my hybrid and u still gonna sell that other 80 i has plans after i make stuff for the blaster and vids on saturday for sure ill prolly just post a link to u tube and ill try pics tomorro
i got school and i still got 3 hours everyday to work on my stuff.. wats homework?? probally why im failing alot of classes other than metals A+++ whoaa.. no 80 man i was gonna take it as trade for my KX but a guy offered me a 200X all their just needs rings and top end gaskets and its ready to rock for the trip up north in june...

bring it on the 250 is just sitting, waiting to stalk and kill that blaster haha... i might buy the kit that T&N sells 295cc big bore of pure kicking ass ness
haha ya it is doing both... its at 1.50mm bore over so i decided not to yet.. the oring head is priority number 1 and until he resleeves it after the race season and then it will be ported while its there..
my buddys little brother put it on his.. little bastard kept saying he couldnt find it then he just gave it away without asking.. i still got his dirtbike stand though haha