Syphone fuel??


May 24, 2010
How can i syphon fuel out of a 05 almera(h/b) to my blasty ( i know it has to below that cars tank) i also have of them hand pumps for syphoning its not noo of those rubber ones you squeeze it looks kinda like a big plastic spring and u have to compress it ! well i put the hose in and couldn't get anything out so i pulled it out and the bottom of wasn't even wet? and before ye acuse me of steeling gas im not my mum said i could take some out of her car cause the garage is a 10 minute drive from our house!thanks

-----just realised i spelt the title rong (im not retarted :P )
Most vehicles have anti-siphon baffles inside of the pipe leading to the tank. They're designed to turn the hose away before it ever touches gas. SOMETIMES you can work past those by twisting the hose around as it passes down the filler neck. To do this, you have to have a rigid enough hose to be able to twist. Plastic of some sort...

Otherwise, it might be easier to try to drain pressure of the fuel rail under the hood. Most vehicles have a fuel pressure check port on the fuel rail for diagnostic purposes. Sometimes you can tap into that and bleed fuel off there. The good part about using that port is it's under pressure and most times you can capture it into a bucket fairly easy.
i think cars have some sort of anti-syphone device at the fuel tank so you probably wont be able to get it.
but stick a hose in again,put your lips tightly round one end of the hose and blow to your hearts content,watch for fuel flying up or you'll have a nice taste in your mouth afterwards

p.s remember to mix in your 2 stroke