Swingarm bolt removal?


So apparently the nut for the swingarm pivot bolt doesn't like being put on backwards and hammered on....

Where can I get a new one, stealership only??

Any advice on how to get this thing out?? Just bang on the bolt itself?? It's chamfered at the end so I guess hammering on it shouldn't ruin the threads??
ive seen a few on ebay for like 8 bucks here an there so you might check that out ive only noticed a couple but you might get lucky lol
well I got the F'ed up nut off last night and with a rock hammer (I'm a geologist) I managed to get the bolt moving a bit. I need a bigger F'n hammer to get it to go all the way through, but I would have had to go outside to get it, and it was cold so I didn't! But it is moving now and I guess it's alright to hammer right on the bolt. Problem solved, thanx!
For future reference, although removing the nut and intalling it backwards usually works good for hammering on stuff, in the case of the swingarm bolt, this is not the case!! The bolt is actually setup such that you can just beat the heck out of it with a hammer, and use a long 3/8 extension to get it all the way out. If I hadn't put the nut on backwards and whacked it, I wouldn't be getting a new swingarm bolt at the stealership!!
Does the bolt on the left shifting side have normal threads?Can i just use a socket to get it off?

Ive been trying and its hard.it wont budge