swing arm pivot tube question

Green acres

Jan 11, 2010
St. Louis
Hi I bought a swing arm shop swingarm and when I went to install it the manual says to measure for side clearance so while doing that I notice that the new arm in 213mm compared to the stock 215mm. After calculating the side clearance it turns out that is 2.40mm and the manual calls for a clearance of 0.40-0.70mm so that 2mm is throwing it out of spec. To me this seems like a big deal, should I ask for a new arm from the guy or is there something else I could do to bring it withing spec... or is it not that big of a deal? Thanks again
i thought mine was off as well. but once i put the spacers and the end caps on, it seemed to be fine. if it is still out, you can do one of two things, contact the company and request another arm or get some spacers to make up the difference.