stupid DMV

redline redneck

New Member
Apr 7, 2010
Fond Du Lac WI
what a crappy week, it started out great, talked with some friends and found out that for some reason that drivers license revocations have been lifted, so i checked into it cuz i was supposed to be revoked until july, low and behold i was only suspended now, so i went to the local DMV and asked them why and how long i was suspended instead of revoked, and they said that i could get my license back that day (may 24) and i even asked them if i had any outstanding tickets or anything that i would loose my license soon after reinstating them, they said no. well i didn't have the money yet that day so i didn't get them then, but the next day (may 25) i got the money went back over and did all the BS paperwork, and asked the people again if i had any outstanding things i should take care of and they again said no (now mind you that these were two different people that said this) so i paid for and got my license reinstated........ only to get a letter dated may 26th saying that my license was suspended for an unpaid ticket....... WTF.... they lied to me to get extra money outa me cuz they had to know that the ticket was there if they mailed the letter to me the day after reinstating my license.............. god i'm pissed................ X(X(X(X(
Obviously you knew there were tickets against you or you wouldn't have asked! Pay your fines and keep the RED NECK sh*t to a minimum!

Sorry to be an ass but god damn how do you dumb asses not know you have tickets? Get real and stop blaming the system for your f*ck ups. You're life will be a lot easier once you take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming others.
dude i would go there and shove the ticket up their butt cuz that is wrong i mean you asked twice should see what you can do about that

What he can do is pay his fines! Is this site full of young and dumb as teens? I mean I see countless posts about wither "running from the cops", "pigs are evil" and so on. Does anyone here have a clue? No one is out to get you, life is what you make it. Stop bitching about how everyone is making your life sh*t and change it.

I'm sure I'll get banned for this, but it's how I fell. Maybe the Blaster attracts a different crowd "teenage", but come on. Get a life.
citations,situations,reparations,exclamations in need of meditation...ooooooo weeeeee what up with that. what up with that. lol

man this sh*t works for everything
ant chill out man, people make mistakes, no matter what it is a mistake is a mistake

and chill out on teenagers jeez you make it sound so bad well guess what i am a teenager does that mean there is something wrong with me just chill out, no one is perfect and dont act like you are
Obviously you knew there were tickets against you or you wouldn't have asked! Pay your fines and keep the RED NECK sh*t to a minimum!

Sorry to be an ass but god damn how do you dumb asses not know you have tickets? Get real and stop blaming the system for your f**ck ups. You're life will be a lot easier once you take responsibility for your actions and stop blaming others.

WTF?????Chill out.I would ask the same thing.I have had fines that I paid off pop back into the system 3 times before.DMV f's up alot.
what is up with that guy im a teenager big deal so what they shouldnt of told him he didnt have any fines and then send him a letter the next day thats bs just chill out bro ppl make mistakes i could forget i had fines i forget everyhting not everyone has a perfect memory
Sorry guys, I had a little too much to drink last night and was venting my frustrations on you all:(. I appologize to all the teens out there.
Redline redneck isn't a teenager, he is a personnal friend of mine,, the dmv is tryin to pull some fast sh*t on people to increase revenue, ( more for them) I'm sure a lot of pp that were magicly not revoked, went an got the licence back than lost them again,
yeah i don't know, i looked into it a lil bit more, when i had went and asked them, i had said that "i thought i had an outstanding ticket" i wasn't for sure.... i thought i was doin the responable thing and asking bout it..... but yeah, i looked into and i had paid part of the ticket but not all of it, that's why i had thought that it was maybe taken care of.... that's why i had asked them if i had anything.......
to err is human, people make mistakes all the time, unfortunetly sometimes those mistakes mess up the lives of other people. This really sux man I know I would be pissed if it had happened to me. You might want to look into this tho you may have some actions you could take since these people bascially scammed you out of your money.