Hey guys i just like cleaned out my room and am trying to get rid of stuff that I havent used in months.......Everything is in like new condition and all works perfectly.....probaly wont sell it but figured id give it a try.....reply here or pm me for pictures or more info....PCC!
- 8GB Ipod touch
- 3 sixaxis PS3 controllers--- ONE SOLD!
- The game Resistance for PS3
- A logitec headset for PS3
- Set of Itp tires came with blasty never used!!!
- Plastic Heel guards for the blasty
- Ignition for the blasty
- Gateway Digital camera w/flip out screen,tripod and case
- An "OPEN" sign(like the light up ones for business windows)
- Thor MX Fall/winter riding jacket never worn-mint cond.
- Platinum edition game cube w/10 games, 3 wireless cont. and 4 wired cont. in mint condition -SOLD!
- Yamaha Satge custom drum set - mint!!! 5pc plus extras
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