So today me and gizz got the idle screws, he got his cap yesterday, And we put those in and have our caps installed now I:I I:I
I had a little trouble taping the wires after removing the TORs lol...
Gizz's slide got stuck a few times.
Im running with my screw tight in, Idk if thats normal, but it should be fine for now. He has his out a little ways, idk how many turns
So thats what we did today I:I (Only 32 and snowing
I had a little trouble taping the wires after removing the TORs lol...
Gizz's slide got stuck a few times.
Im running with my screw tight in, Idk if thats normal, but it should be fine for now. He has his out a little ways, idk how many turns
So thats what we did today I:I (Only 32 and snowing