stop hating on 4 jokes lol


New Member
Aug 10, 2009
ok i just have to put this out there.i go to change my spark plug on my 400ex and i just noticed that its been running lean,,, FOR FOUR i pull the top end and it looks really good.when i pulled my 250ex top end the piston looked like it was gonna take a sh*t anytime so i changed that.400ex is bulletproof!!!and yes i fixed the jetting im not that stupid lol:p
im sure they have thier fans.. i like my 2 stroke's

yeah I'll stick too my ex and my blaster,things i like about the ex compared too blaster engine wise:lots of low end to mid range grunt.blaster:lots of high range power which is really fun after riding 4 strokes for 4 years straight, me and my dad have drag raced and there basically dead even(cause the blaster has more mods of course),I'm really lucky to have both quads.THANKS DAD LMFAO!:D:D