Starting Fresh - Which year's setup to use (pre or post 2003)?


New Member
Jun 28, 2022
I just have a motor I am building for my YSR swap, no wiring, stator etc. that I will need to mesh with the YSR harness so I will be starting brand new buying new harness, stator, CDI etc.
Wondering should I be starting with the pre 2003 wiring harness stator etc. or should I get the early year harness, stator etc.?
I will be removing TORs function and I was reading in the TORs removal stickies that "The TORS unit on the 03-06 is built into the ECU, so it cannot be fully removed".

I figured I would be buying harness, stator, regulator, and CDI but sounds like there might be more, at least in the 2003+ setup. Is there really an ECU in the later models? Is there any benefit to starting/working with a 2003+ harness and electronics or should I stick with the seemingly easier pre 2003 ?

Thank you,