sparkplug problems


New Member
Mar 1, 2010
we clean the plug it starts then when you go to take off or give it some throttle it dies and wont fire back up again the cleaned the plug again and the same thing happens can someone help im gettin frusterated X(
bored 68.25 stroker crank not sure on size of carb just got the motor rebuilt top and bottom end we are running rich to break in but thats what the builder told us to do and like i said everytime we cleaned the plug it started again.
try turning the air screw in a half turn or so at a time and see if it gets better, if it does you need a richer pilot
My bike seems so go through spark plugs like crazy, also when i start it up it seems to idle really fast for like 10 secondes, is this cause its going through too pure or? and if so how do i adjust it and also the seems to be a lag when i snap on the gas sometimes :P any help is appreciated, sorry if i kinda cut off the other guy. :)
hey guys thanks for the info we took it over to the builder the throttle cable was stickin and the motor wouldnt clean out so it fouled the plug i appericate all the help but its back to afghanistan for me its my buddies bike by the way so he will prob be on here asking questions thanks again guys

matt snow us army
Glad to hear you got the problem solved bro.

Also thanks for your service in the Army protecting our Country!!!!!!
Return home safe..........

Tell your buddy to join up and we can help him out with any questions he may have.
hey thanks guys for you support its great to know i have people like you if you want feel free to write i will write back

pv2 matthew snow
b-troop 1-91 cav
fob altimur
apo,ae 09364
