Sold the Flames


New Member
Jan 30, 2010
South Carolina
T-minus 5 hours. The new family is coming to get it about 4:00 this afternoon. As much as I hated to, I settled on letting her go for $850. I'm going out to ride the hell out of it for a few last hours. Let's hope I don't break anything. Oh yeah...appologies to any of you fellas who asked about some of the parts if I decided to part it out. The quick sale for the full bike was the best thing. I prolly would have been crying as I stripped each part off. I'm still gonna stick around the forum and I'll be back with another Blasty soon. I:I
always a sad day to see the quad go, we sold my 185 suzuki to the neighbors (lived in the country) i actually had to watch a kid ride it out of my driveway