So Who Got What For Christmas?


New Member
Apr 9, 2009
Merry Christmas Everyone!!

Ill start it off...

I got Smith Fuel Riding Goggles that match my helmet.

I got some One Ind. riding gloves that are called Robotek. Pretty cool looking and comfy as hell. (walking around the house with anyways) LOL...

Tax season is when I get parts for the quad...cant wait...

So lets hear what everyone got...
$600 and cant spend any of it on the blasty! It's ok though its all goin towards my new project.... A 240sx
I went and got a helmet cam and Mx Vs Atv Reflex. Definitely a whole new game. Very challenging and hard to get used to, the aftermarket exhausts give it tuneable power along with suspension and tires give it tuneable traction. The quads are definitely the best part of the game.